Penerapan Prinsip Subsidiaritas Perspektif Quadragesimo Anno Paus Pius XI dalam Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Ekonomi Masyarakat Desa Oeolo melalui Alokasi Dana Desa”
Encyclical Quadragesimo Anno no. 79 speaks about the importance of social institutions fulfilling their respective functions so as not to disrupt order. For social institutions, it is hoped that they can assist their members and the state should never destroy or absorb them. Meanwhile, QA no. 80 emphasizes the importance of mapping out problems so that each issue can be handled effectively and the delegation of authority for greater efficiency. Authorities should pay attention to various associations and adhere to the principle of “subsidiarity” to achieve the happiness and collective well-being that ultimately leads to the prosperity. The author's intended goal is that issues related to the community's economic life can be anticipated through assistance obtained from village funds. The type of research employed is qualitative research, utilizing measurement tools such as observation, interviews, and document analysis. The principle of subsidiarity encourages the recipients to develop and not just receive assistance but aims to improve the welfare of the village community, the quality of human life, and poverty alleviation through fulfilling basic needs, developing village infrastructure, enhancing local economic potential, and sustainable utilization of natural resources and the environment. A positive aspect observed by the author in the field is that the government of Oeolo Village has also implemented this principle to improve the well-being of its community. The research results indicate that the Oeolo Village Government has been performing its respective functions. In the management of the Village Fund to assist the Oeolo Village community, a consensus-based approach is employed, involving community leaders to prevent jealousy and suspicion among the residents. The Oeolo Village Government has acted fairly in determining the recipients of assistance. This action has positively impacted the lives of the Oeolo Village community.
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